Computers Quote Generator

Generate Daily Computers Quote

“ I'm really anti-option, so computers have been my nightmare with recording. I don't want endless tracks I want less tracks. I want decisions to be made. ”

~Ian MacKaye

“ I was a 'Duck Hunt' and 'Mario' guy, and stuff like that. I was never technologically driven. I never had all the cool, new toys. I was the youngest child, I wasn't the only child, so I wasn't spoiled as a kid. And, we were on the farm, so we didn't have a lot. Also, with computers, I'm not very good with them. I just check my email. ”

~Garrett Hedlund

“ We're just into toys, whether it's motorcycles or race cars or computers. I've got the Palm Pilot right here with me, I've got the world's smallest phone. Maybe it's just because I'm still a big little kid and I just love toys, you know? ”

~Catherine Bell

“ Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you. ”


“ My whole life had been designing computers I could never build. ”

~Steve Wozniak

“ At our computer club, we talked about it being a revolution. Computers were going to belong to everyone, and give us power, and free us from the people who owned computers and all that stuff. ”

~Steve Wozniak

Computers Quote Generator

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