Leadership Quote Generator

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“ I think Chinese leadership is trying to tell the world they have another set of logic or reasoning or values which are different from yours. Of course, I don't think they believe that. It's just an argument that's made when you can't confront the truth and facts. They really want to maintain power. ”

~Ai Weiwei

“ There are no ideas in the Republican Party right now in the Congress. They're the party of no. They desperately need some intellectual leadership. And whatever you think of Newt Gingrich, he can supply intellectual leadership. So I hope he does run. ”

~Howard Dean

“ The fact is, when it comes to economic leadership, the Republicans have nothing to brag about. This isn't what the American people want. They want to see progress that works for them. ”

~Debbie Wasserman Schultz

“ Democrats are going to proudly run on the fact that we turned the economy around. It was our policies under President Obama's leadership through the Recovery Act, through investing in the automobile industry. ”

~Debbie Wasserman Schultz

“ Unfortunately, the Republican leadership in the House right now seems to have been strangled by the tea party. ”

~Debbie Wasserman Schultz

“ Aren't we at the point where the closer we get to chaos, the more concern that there should be about coming to the table and compromising with Democrats? This is not leadership. This is almost like dictatorship. ”

~Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Leadership Quote Generator

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