Pressure symbol "
P", base unit is Pascal , pressure derived from mass/length/time/time.
Pressure (symbol: p or P). The pressure is the amount of force applied at right angles to a surface area of an object. formula: Pressure = F/A, F is the magnitude of the normal force, A is the area of the surface on contact.
One pascal (Pa) is equal to 0.000009869232667160129 standard atmosphere (atm).
One standard atmosphere (atm) is equal to 1.0332274527998857 technical atmosphere (at).
One technical atmosphere (at) is equal to 0.980665 bar (bar).
One bar (bar) is equal to 1000000 barye (Ba).
One barye (Ba) is equal to 0.00007500637554192107 centimeter of mercury (cmHg).
One centimeter of mercury (cmHg) is equal to 13.595434808767354 centimeter of water (cmH₂O).
One centimeter of water (cmH₂O) is equal to 0.02895822068876316 inch of mercury (inHg).
One inch of mercury (inHg) is equal to 13.59547859740969 inch of water (inH₂O).
One inch of water (inH₂O) is equal to 0.006129489972847177 foot of mercury (ftHg).
One foot of mercury (ftHg) is equal to 13.595494115049283 foot of water (ftH₂O).
One foot of water (ftH₂O) is equal to 0.00030479113662667677 kilogram force per square millimeter (kgf/mm²).
One kilogram force per square millimeter (kgf/mm²) is equal to 1.4223343911902915 kip per square inch (ksi).
One kip per square inch (ksi) is equal to 51714918.123286106 micron of mercury (µmHg).
One micron of mercury (µmHg) is equal to 0.0010000000943952492 millimeter of mercury (mmHg).
One millimeter of mercury (mmHg) is equal to 13.595100000000002 millimeter of water (mmH₂O).
One millimeter of water (mmH₂O) is equal to 0.00980665 pièze (pz).
One pièze (pz) is equal to 20.88543378837124 pound per square foot (psf).
One pound per square foot (psf) is equal to 0.006944444887615329 pound per square inch (psi).
One pound per square inch (psi) is equal to 0.001 kilopound per square inch (ksi).
One kilopound per square inch (ksi) is equal to 4633062.619442481 poundal per square foot (pdl/sq ft).
One poundal per square foot (pdl/sq ft) is equal to 0.000015540475668688425 short ton per square foot (sh tn/sq ft).
One short ton per square foot (sh tn/sq ft) is equal to 718.262782548169 torr (Torr).
One torr (Torr) is equal to 2.8776129969415658e-112 Planck pressure (ρₚ).